May 24, 2009


okeyh cam biase ari ahad melupakan hari untuk para pekerja untuk berehat..termasuk aku..huks..bekerja kewr???..huhuh...hmm...actually my frenz since i was standard 1 eleena ajak ak untuk bekerja part time tok jd customer service kat astro..hmm..i still pikir-pikirkn dlu...huks..
huish..hari ahad juga pagi-pagi minom teh tarik n roti canai panas-panas memang masyuk habis r weyh..huks...
bg my frenz yg akan berkonvokesyen on 28th mei..congrate tok korunk..jeles ngan korunk..dh konvo dip kn..cepat sgt..huks..hari ini lak dorunk g reherseal n amek jubah kat uitm 2..huks...wat eva r...ak nye akan tiba jugak..huks...3 years more bebeyh..
okeyh..bkn 2 yg ak nk citer kat cni..huks...
tatkala sedang membaca newspaper arini ni...ak terbace kisah artis gaduh same sndiri dalam laman blog mereka..hmm..wat eva r...2 korunk nye hal sesama..huks..n ak tgh beboring berblogging ni try r msok lmn blog artis..huks..sesaje je..nk tgk gak ap yg dorunk 2lis dalam blog mereka...
n tatkala ak msuk blog eizlan yusof..ak terbace bende yang amat kejam dan amat zalim sekali...beristighfar ak memanjang...kisah penghinaan Allah dalam lagu agnes monica..ak mmg sudah mengetahui bende ni dah lame ag..memandangkan mufti malaysia telah mengharamkan lagu lagu 2 xde masok dalam corong radio malaysia dan juga pasaran malaysia..memang bodoh n kajam 1st time ak tgk lagu ni n ak menilai bait-bait lagu tersebut...diharap korunk sme pn menyokong mengharamkan lagu ni...
berikut adalah bait-
bait lagu nye...


Banyak perkara yang tak dapat ku mengerti
Mengapakah harus terjadi
Di dalam kehidupan ini
Suatu perkara yangku simpan dalam hati
Tiada satupun kan terjadi tanpa Allah perduli
Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sbab Allah mengerti
Allah mengerti
Allah peduli
Segala persoalan yg kita hadapi
Tak akan pernah di biarkanya ku bergumul sendiri
Sbab Allah Yesus kumengerti

babiii....perkatan ini terus tidak sengaja ak teros luahkn..bangang btol...huks...

p/s:diriku dilanda selesema...haih...tkowt gak ni tgh musim..huks~

the climb

american idol dh melbuhkn tirainye..huks...i dont missed a episiod pn 4 this season..snok sgt..btw..xigt concert yg keberape nth...myley cyruz jd artis jmputn 4 the result episode..hmm...dye dok nyanyi lagu 'the climb' im really lite it...lurv it..

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I'm not breaking
The pain I'm knowing
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong

Just keep pushing on,

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the
Keep your faith

p/s: hannah montana the movies nk kuo 4th june..waaa...xsbrnye nk tgk..jom tgk beramai-ramai..

May 21, 2009

20th journey..

rini genap lorh my second day of journey becomes 20th citizen..huahua..time kasih byk2 sgt kat korunk sume yang wish ak..saaayaaanngggg!!!! yg dh lme xcontact pn ad yg wish gak..waaa...bangge2..huks...tambahan lagi my frenz yg kt overc pn wish...waaa...syg r ko eman..huks..igt gak ko kat ak..huks..mgkin ni lorh katekn jauh dimata dekat di hati..huks...wiwiwi...

ok...becoming 20 ni...xde rse pape habit from i was little still i cant lepaskn..huks...xyah r citer ap nye erk..bwat malu frenz yg dekat jiran2 tetangga ni mayb tau kowt...n my familia..huks...misi di rumah still berjalan..dalam proses..huks...n nk kene siapkn itu ini..huks...

btw..satu kengkangan telah ad..huks...i need think very carefully n my desicion will make a big nye mase depan..huks...caiyok2 tajul...thx kepada yg still support me..huks..i cant make the desicion rite now..huks..nk tgu kak nad gak..huks...she like kakak 4 me..huks..haish..btw...di harap kak nad dapat beribadah ngan khusyuk nye di mekah 2..huks...bwat umrah.sonook nye..huks..

hope my journey becoming 20th snang slalu dalam melalui liku2 idop..huks..

p/s: iklan sebentar..spe nk bli baju peers yg comey ni..cepat2..dapatknnye..slagi stok msh bru jewr tmph..kunk dh siap dberithu kelak..tingtong~

May 18, 2009

19 is my last in the teenagers world..juz beberapa tatkala lagi the clock is clocking n i wll turn 2 20th..huks...


okeyh..akhirnye af7 melabuhkn tirainya last saturday..huks.hafiz talented n mmg patot r dye mng..huks...the concept tranformation really make me want to watch it from the begining until the end..huks...concrate 2 astro that make really tranformation 4 that program..i really like on the week 8..the theatre concert..huks...and lagu yg plg best when pgl musical and also p.ramlee da musical..syiok sgt..huks..terkenang daku time tgk pgl musical at istana budaya..really enjoy it...
by the way...on the final dady get 4 ticket free tok tgk final concert..he got it from kudsia kahar..huks..actually my dady also get 4 the 9th concert..but me and my family go to tanah the ticket pass to my dady frenz..huks..
at last my dady get another free ticket 4 the final n my siblings go to watch the concert..huks..waa...really happening..syiokk giler r weyh tgk i knows how the live concept..huks..its really enjoy...nak siap jerit kuat-kuat giler r..puas seyh...hilang suara ak 1 hari..huks...i really lurv tiara n ida gorgeous..huks...
its so memorable day r..dh r pnt jd fay-c di wak2 pagi 2..pas2 lak hav fun n njoy at the nite...huks
p/s:picture upload later..btw..ari 2 ari jumaat sampi ahad kilang cadbury wat sale kat kilang dye..aisyh..xdapt nk g...T____T


i hav 2 be a fay-c on that day..huks..its really tired on dat day..the student dat com make me feel really tired bu happy..huks...the students come from sk seafield 3 subang jaya..on the friday nite i sleep at kolej mawar..the gurlz kolej in my u..huks...firstly quiet excited r..huks...masok kolej pompuan lorh katekan..but..on that nite..i cant sleep..damn shit..byk gler nyamok here and there...T____T...xdpt tdo smalaman..huks..sob3..hmm..wat eava r..
n 4 the next day(saturday)..the program started at 7.30..huks..and finish until 5.00 pm..huks...rase nk pengsan rasenye..dh r lps 2 nk kne rempit blk ke kl..sakit pnggang daku..huks...

time TOT...doink~

artis palingmalatop tatkala menyanyi lagu gemuruh..kalah faizal..huks

and 4 the first time fay-c dapat present..waa...sonok sgt...

all the fay-c 4 the program..cayalah korunk..

May 15, 2009


tatkala ramai yang mengatakan mereka juz duduk uma n membesarkan perut d wak2 cuti ni..ak len lak kisahnye...this week really bz 2 this afternoon i will go back 2 s.alam..huks..hav a program at there 2morow..huks...kalu nk tau starting monday ak dah ulang alik s.alam..hmm..ap ley wat..sume nk kne setelkn koje..huks...really tired r..huks...nthen supposely on the tuesday peers have gathering at cerakah..but i cant go for it..nk kne anta my mom g hospital...


alhamdulillah she orait..didnt need 2 tahan kat wad..she only needs to do the phisiotherapy...hmm..di wak2 cuti nilah ak akan bekerja sebagai driver sambilan..huks..nk kne bwk my mom ulang alik hospital..huks..xksh r..hmmm...

soo..2morow i will conduct a program that sek keb seafiled 3 comes 2 uitm n have motivation program 4 their upsr candidates..hmm..i need 2 fine fay-c..siapkan modul r...rezo modul..n mcm2 ag nk kne setel...and yesterday seharian ak di s.alam..huks...penat gak r..n 4 malam ni ad tot...huks..nk wat gam ap ea???..hmmm...hopefully berjaya gak r program 2..walaupun last minute..huks..


gambar ni amek kat blog zati..huks..snok nye tgk dorg bergembira...hmm...

May 12, 2009


since my mom nye sakit slip disc come again n bertambah...her frenz told her to berubat scre kampung...huks...dye knl bomoh tule (tulang) kat tanah merah...n actually my mom g lorh on 2 last week...ak xdpt ikut sbb ad paper termo on ari ahad 2...after mom need 2 come back within one week..n memandangkat ak dh cti...huks..ap ag amek r peluang ni nk g melancong..huks-huks...kitorg g klate ngan dua biji keter..coz my aunty pn wat berubat on 2 last week..huks...weeeee...snok nye dapat berjalan...

gembira sagt...tatkala di bukit titiwangsa..huks...

for the first time makan nasi kukus atas daun pisang at tanah merah..waaaa...nyum-nyum..sedaaappp~


waaa...dh lme x update blog ini..memandangkan exam dah habis ari rabu mgu lps so di kesenpatan cti ni bley lorh ak on9 jer memaanjang...hhh..about exam its ok lorh...every paper ok but only one paper only...da giant hell...huks...hopefully r lulus mls lorh nk repeat..hmmm..
rite after the exam..on with my peers cometee has final meeting for this sem...venue at mekdi sec.3..huks..n tetibe lak kan..ak nye ajk wat surprise bufday party for me..waaa...really terkezut maaa...walaupun sebenarnya lambat ag on 19th may....hmmm....dorg ni sje je tau nk wat ak cepat tua jew tau...waaa...terharu...terharu..igt gak korg kat syg kat ajk ak ni..huks...

kek yang comel..btw sptutnye bufday party ni di sambut skali ngan lina..but lina xde terpakse blk pahang...hmm..alamat nye ak sorg jewr r yg potong..huahuahua....

terase tua sgt..walaupun org disebalh ku ni ag 2e dr will come to 2oth century..waaa...

meeting yg hapening..sbb dok makan skali..waaa..nyum-nyum

p/s: too all my rum8 jgn bersedihan sebb xmkn kek pn kn korunk nk blnje ak yg rhsia nye...huks..btw.. next sem nk duduk luo..sooo...mne nk dpt uma sewa ni ea...doink~