September 3, 2009


okeyh my fren i know b4 this my post all is about food..huks..but now its not about food pau..n not also ak kne dibaling pau o wat..istilah ini bermakna ak kne dicurik dwet oleh somebody..the story is begin like this..last week after meeting canceled jalinan peers with utp..zati bagi r kek secret recipe..huks..waa snok2..after that im suppose blk ngan dye nk blk uma r..ak nk tumpang dye..alek2 ak xjd bcoz my fren ajk g bazar sec13(padahal xjd)..di buln ramadhan ini keiginan bersama keluarga mmg r mst r kn..berkat 2 weyh..ibadah gak jumpe mak ayah..huks..nthen right after breaking n frenz balik r sme dr salam ni..nek u80..huks..after smpi kl sntral kami berpecah sbb dye nek komuter n ak lak my brother amek..huks..ak pn g r tempat menunggu kat tingkat ats 2..smbl2 2 dok tgk citer nur kasih kat tv sedekah yg ad kat c2..huks....tgu punya la lorh pak cik 2e dtg..he like drinking n hisap quite afraid r kn..haish..bahay ni..tetibe dye mntk dwet..aaaaaa..ak kne pau..mtg2 ak bdk ag...u all nnk tau dye mtk bape mtk 10 sen ak xcye tau takut tektik dye r kn nth ble ak kuo wallet tros dye ragut kewr..bhye ni..langkah keselamatn yg ak ambil..ak g kuokn wallet bhind ad makck ni..huks..ak pn kac r 10sen..ak halalkn jewr r..haish..nyawa ak more important right..that the story is about..5 miniits later my brother pn come...

p/s: the moral of da story wahai polis yg ad kat tempat kejadian jgnlah dok bz ngan mempreeeet(tiup wisel) sahaj pasal lau lints..pasal kejadian yg xspttnye berlaku diabaikan walupun 10 is becoz it will drop the water face of malaysia..:P

1 comment:

SitiLaila said...

uishh bahayanya..thts why smpi skrg me xprnh balik sorng2.hu2