February 9, 2009

awarded by detol

yeye dapat award...
bangga nye...
detol yg kac...haks
thx detol...

waaaaaaa.......blog ak sexy...haks....xpon tuan empunye tg sexy..haks...beng btol r....haks!!!

from me lak...
this award...
i awarded to:
  • ally
  • aiman
  • pip
  • tiqah
  • peers

February 6, 2009


haha..smalam ak n my rumiis ak ngen gak r...huks..macam2 benede berlaku semalam..hmmm

awal pagi= ak n my rumiis napi dok 'bet' same2 tgk spe bgn awal...kiter kejutkn org yg bngun lambat dgn perasaan pnoh bgge...haks..aiseyh..ak kalah r plak..ley lak dye bgun dulu..cis...xpe2..ko baru menang skali napi oooiiii....agpn ak ad lecture awal pagi semalam..sunjek thermodynamic..adush..lctrer kitorg 2 strick skit..10 mnt lambat jgn msuk kls..adush..kne r bgun awal b4 kelas dye...

pagi-pagi= yg syiok nye lctrer 2 dye slalu abiskn kelas awal..huks..ley r kitorg g bli breakfast b4 msuk kls strusnya..but ap yg paling ngokngek nye..ak telah tertinggal my nye faile pink yg ak slalu bawak ke kelas dekat dalam dk.F malam rabu..adoiai...dh r dok mnugu lame nk tgu dak2 farmasi kuo dari dwn kuliah 2..adoiai..yoyoo..jer dorg ni blaja...

tgh hari= prot ak lapor sesangat..sbb xdpt breakfast..dok mnugu kat dk 2 lama sangat..sabo jer lah....but..ak nk kne tempah dewan kuliah lain tok pejumpaan malam ni...adoiai..lif plak 2 ske wat hal plak 2....hbis ak maki hamun....n stiap hari msti kitorg akan jd 'oku'..hahah...budak uitm mst paham kenapakan..haks

b4 zohor= haha..akhirnye ak dapat makan...nyummmy...huks...syiokkk!!lauk ayam bakar n ulam rebus...style kampung habis r..++ag dok cicah nagan air asam+ sambal tempoyak...layan habis beyb...sluurrrpp!!!!

after zohor= perot pung dah knyang..ap ag...dok merehatkan mata r...hahhaha....adush...syiok gile tido...tapi ak ad bce gak ally nye blog...dye kater xelok tido ptg2..hahah...ak x ambil peduli tido ptg to rehatkn diri..ak tido dari pkul 3 smpi 6 ptg..hahah...ngeng btol lps bgun...padan muka ko tajoollll!!!!

maghrib= actually malam semalam ad meeting ngan ajk peers tok prog utp...huks...alek mase nak zohor 2..ramai yg kol xdpt hadir meeting malam...alek2 ak cancel meeting smalam....postpon malam ni...padan muka korg xdapat balik awal...ari isnin dah r cti...hahaha...ak kejam!!!!!

after mghrib= haha...kat kolej mawar ad buat pasar malam..ak nak sesangat pergi...kalu nak tau..ak kn dah lame xpergi pasar malam...sdeyhkn...hahah....tapi my rumiis xnk g...adush..so...kitorg makan r kat gerai seksyen 2 berhadapan dengan wet world..hahhaha...

dh dekat 9.00 mlm= walaupun meeting cancel...ak nk kne jumpe gak ngan ajk aktiviti tok prog ak ni...nak bncangkn ap aktiviti yg nk buat...huks....lame gak r bermeeting..pas2 my nye assistant pn join skali meeting ngan kitorg..hahah...

agak-agak dekat tengah malam= ak abis meeting dalam kol 11.00 mlm..haks...my rumiis dok ngajak g uptown shah alam seksyen 24...haih..ak ap ag..join r skali..hahha...kami sume dok merempit malam 2...buat konvoi pn ad gak....ye r mane x nye...smpai 7 buah moto dok bawak...haks....uishhh..mmg syiok r.....dh r kuo bebas...hahahha...sjuk malam menggigit tulang ak..wah!!!!...smpi ktsne...sme dok tgk2..ad yg window jewr..ak pn sme gak..igtkn nk bli slipar..alek2 xde saiz r...maximum yg dorg ad saiz 11..ak saiz 12..gajah tol kaki ko tajoll!!!!...thats why my mascot is gajah..hahaha...alek2..ak dok makan aikrim yg singgit satu...yg macam mcD nye..yelakan..kiter kn kne band mcD..huks...uish...sdaapp..dh lme xmkn aiskrim...

awal-awal pagi kira-kira jam 1.00= kitorg mrncang nk balik kmbali ke kolej..padahal limit msuk pn2 pagar kolej 2 pkul 12 malam..haks..peduli ap..redah jewr...tpkn yg syiok habis...ble grak malam 2....xde keteer...mmg racing r my rumiis..hahahha......ble smpi pintu pagar kolej wat bodoh jewr...pak guard kautim r ngan kitorg..hahah...

dah pagi2= dh smpi bilik..my rumiis dok tgk hasil pembelian masing..kalo ad bli baru..kiter 'bahan'...haha..kejam2......

hmpir sbuh= disebabkan ak dh tido sing tadi..ak xdpt tdo..so..ak dok buat keje ak smpi kira-kira 5pg..haha...buat baner r..surat r..report r..n mcm2 ag....tp siap hbis pung..hahah..dlm pkul 5 pg bru i sleeping beuty.....

p/s: walaupun tido lambat ak adlh org yg awal bgun tau...ak org 1st yg bgun...bggee beyb....huks..padahal nk ad keje nk kene buat..haks!!!

February 5, 2009

.utamakan keselamatan.

yup..utamakn keselamatan is da important things dat be aware of all the engineers student..huks..especially at lab..or workshop..plz..wear a proper attire when get inside the lab/workshop...atleast wear a lab coat/or lab jacket..hahah..ingat!!!
haha..so that when do the works..it will be safe!!!
hahaha...dak2 teknik..msti masih igt lagikn ngan baju ni..haha..dah r besar jer dok tulisan utamakan keselamatan 2...skunk kalo dok pakai baju ni...segan wooo...++ag kalu kt sini dh r rmei dak teknik..kalo pakai jewr...wooo....semangat gler weyh nak g lab..hahahh....

in matriculation..we are wearing this when get inside the lab...huks..ea r..dulu dok kat m3x dok wat experimen dok kaji fizik n kimia jewr...hahha...macam scientist pn ad ble pakai bende..dapat gak merasa pakai lab kot cgini rase scientist n doctor pn ad..hahaha...

hahah..skunk ni...lab coat dah bertukar menjadi canggih n moden..nk pakai slalu pn dh xsegan..(ap r ak ni)....nampak ag menarik n mantap!!!haks~

huuh....apa-apa pun the real function to proteck us-especially body...from bad happen while we r do our experiment or work in da workshop..so..igt2lah selalu..pakai baju keselamatan...utamakan keselamatan..safety first....n selamat beramah~

taged from ally..

Click here for the questions.

1. What's your fondest memory of aiman?
~haha..tido sebelah mnyebelah kat asrama dulu...smpi bwah meja study..hahaha...

2. Who does ally like?
~huhu..i think that was secret that i never tell...huks...i dont r...huks dye ad kewr suke sape ag..xtau lak ak...but really secreto...agpn dah lame x citer hot2 story ngan dye..haks!!!

3. Does sai make you hot?
~haha...im really hot what...so xpayah ngan sai pung xpe..haha...dok mnyemak jewr dye 2...nk tumpang kefamesan ak jewr..hahah..

4. What advice would you give amal?
~uit perut dah boncit n kepala dah botak..padan muka..spe soh nak jadi askar sangat...amek ko!!!

5. If you could do anything with musz, what would it be?
~haha..musz jom g joging..kiter exercise same2..ley kuruskan badan same2....tapi bile ea...

6. How did you meet napi?
~it was along story..but actually the 1st i met him..at tikl..haha...dye same claz ngan ak mase f4...

7. What if you found out that ayang was secretly an alien plotting to take over the world together with amal?
~haha..dorg mmg alien pung...++ag si amal 2..dok makan jewr koje...btw...i will follow them like wonderpets...'kerjasama' dok menggoncangkan dunia..ley naik UFO(ad kewr???)

8. What musical instrument would zubir most likely play?
~haha...kompang kowt..dye kn islamic sikit..haks..tp skunk dh berubah..duniakn dah berubah..haks..dunia dh moden..mane lorh tau dye suke main caklempong kewr(ap kaitan???)

9. If pip and amal teamed up, what would they most likely accomplish?
~huh!! dorg pn xknl stu sme lain..hmm but if there are....dok nak jatuhkan kefamesan ak...dorg kn jeles..sbb ak fames sgt..cam pip mst nk gaduh amek tittle chubby ak..n amal lak nak amek kefamesan ak(it reality)hahah..jgn marah....

10. Who would be a better superhero sidekick between tiqah and zubir, and why?
~zubir..dye ni kn skunk dok 1 bilik ngan ak..dye ni dah kpoo dah..adush..pening gak ak nk layan dye...agpn tiqah dh lame r xjmpe..hahahah

Chosen People to do this TAG:

taged from detol


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse.)
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people

ally // eman // pip// tiqah // thania // nana // atiqah // anep

1.What have you been doing recently?
~lukis graph lab report fluid

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
~hpone ak yg sengal dok tutup sendiri..suka hati dye jewr..

3.What happened at 10am today?
~dok pergi amek file pink ak tinggal kat dk.F semalam..dok tunggu lame woo..nak tunggu dak2 farmasi ni abis kuliah...yoyoo jewr blaja

4.When did you last cry?
~abis matriks

5.Believe in fate/destiny?
~of course r...daaaaarrrr!!!

6.What do you want in your life now?
~everythings...success,graduate,dapt pionter tinggi, paling harap sangat dapat biasiswa...xlupe jge..berjaya bawak peers09....

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
~haha...ak ad bawak payung kat kolej..kaler merah..kechik jewr..tp ble ujan kuyop gak..adush..

8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
~study,sleeping beuty,berangan,dengar mp3

9.What bottoms are you wearing now?

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
~haha..msj yg cute n comey..n mnarik..

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
~haha..yup..skunk ni dok pakai broadband org nk on9 kat bilik kolej ak ni..haks..

13.What was the last movie you caught?
~angus thongs,and bla,bla,

14.What are you proud of?

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
~"bile nak wat lab report"-hapiz

16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
~this i promise you-N'sync

17.Do you have any nicknames?

18.What does the newest text say?
~"progarm utp 2 ad jemput ahli kewr"-armi..always bz ngan program yg terdekat..peers utp nk datng uitm....

19.What time did you go to bed last night?

20.Are you currently happy?
~bz,bz,bz....xtau nak wat cgne...serabot sngat..macam2 nak kene pikir n handle..kerja menimbun n bertambah xpenah berkurang...adoiai!!!

21.Who gives you the best advise?
~momy dady,frenz, sibling,

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
~hahah..dah tentu r..sedap...nganga jewr mulut.....nyummy...n sooo creamy..haks!

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
~my dady..mula2 my dady call...but smlm ad hal..ag plak hpone tggal kat bilik...dalam pukul 11.30 baru call balik..my dady dh tido kowt..pasal..mass media..ak nk crik press tok ak nyer program yg gempak2..my dady kenal org press..n tau mnahu pasal cgne...agpn..hep nak kitorg publisity kn prog kitorg yg buat...sooo...sng nak menang ag tahon ni..hahah...

24.Is something bugging you now?
~ntah r..ad kowt..n mayb xde...xprasan kowt

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
~my rumiis....zubir

February 4, 2009

peers no.1

huks...on the monday night.ak telah dijemput oleh syafiq (bekas pres peers) untuk hadir ke majlis anugerah kecemerlangan persatuan dan kelab UiTM Se-malaysia...hmm...majlis yg diadakan ni majlis formal..n high table..huks...so on this night i need 2 wear a formal suit...huks..i borrowed my dady nye coat...untuk pakai pada malam ni..huks...yang pergi pada malam ni..ak n syafiq jewr..sbb pihak hep bagi 3 kerusi bg setiap persatuan termasuk penasihat..hmmm...ak pergi mlam 2 dengan syafiq..huks..majlis 2 mmg syiok skali..fun, enjoy sangat...bertuah ak jadi pres peers, dapat dijemput skali..huhu...hmmm...but ap yang paling mendebarkan skali malam 2 adalah keputusan bagi pemenang-pemenang anugerah persatuan n kelab terbaik..hmm...uishh....mula...debar gak r dapat kewr x peers tahun ni...n alhamdulillah kelab kami peers menang 2 anugerah on that nite...anugerah yg kitorg menang persatuan terbaik bagi kategori khidmat masyarakat n sosial...huih menang 1st prize tuh...huhu..rm1000 dapat..waa...bangge nye...n then anugerah lagi sati anugerah bagi program terbaik...huhu...dapat 2nd runner up..huks..dapat rm500..waaaaa...so the total yang dapat malam 2 rm 1500..huks....sonok gile syafiq malam 2..mane x nye penat lelah dye spnjg tahun lepas berbaloi...huks..congratz!!!huks....9t kunk ak cgne ea..dapat ker ak naik pentas mcm syafiq malam 2..huks....

hadiah yg kami dapat malam 2...huks....

kepuasan n keseronokan jelas terpncar..huks..nilah syafiq..huks..mantan pres....
mjlis malam 2 penoh gilang gemilang...macam-macam persembahan ad...yg paling seronokkn..our nye v.c naik pentas dok berkaraoke..huks..2 lagu dye nyanyi...datuk v.c ur rocks r!!!!!!!
menu makan malam 2 nasi minyak..huks...bley tahan r makan malam 2...after majlis selesai...semua pemenang dijemput naik kepentas tok sesi fotografi..huks..disebabkan kitorg menang 2 anugerah syafiq xcukup tangan nk pegang..so dye jemput ak skali..hahha..ak dapat gak mencapub akhirnya..hahah....after that..kitorg jumpe ngan our penasihat yg byk memberi dorongan dalam mengejar tok mengecapi kejayaan ni...n pada malam 2 ak terjumpa ngan kak qurratul n muazzam from my fomer school tikl..huks..dorg sume ucap tahniah kat kami..haks...n xlupe gak..kitorg sempat berjumpe ngan ahli kelab sahabat uitm johor yg kami buat prog bersama tahon lepas pada malam 2....dorg pun ucap tahniah atas kejayaan kami...
apa-apa pun....to all 2008 comittee...u r reallly great and mmg patut pun menang anugerah malam 2...congratz!!!!!!1

p/s: btw...seriously...ak xdapat tido pada malam 2 selepas program habis...quiet burden on me r...terchallage gak ak ble dorg menang ni..adeyh....xpe-xpe..cayok2 tajol!!! u can do it..hak...comittee 09 kita wat ag gmpak lagi dari dorg..hahah....