fuh-fuhh!!! haiiicooom...byk habuk blog aku nieyh...huks..hallo guyz..msti korang really miss me kan..wah dah lame x menaip di sini..bahkan (wah ayat) buka nak taip post ni pon dh macam len jewr blogger nieyh. dah berwajah baru kewr..
okayh really sori dah lame xupdate..nk kate bz..maybe kowt..this sem lot of work to do r..tapi selalu jewr updatekn diri kat fb..haks...
now in exam mood...sori xdapat nk cakap banyak..the next paper 27 april..2 paper sekali gus..dynamics and vibration (repeat subjek) and also fluids mechanic II..both killer paper..haish..mari buka buku..huks..btw nanti ak update ag ea my blog..maybe lepas exam..banyak habuk nieyh nk kne cuci..need deep cleaning..huks